Vår kjære fantastiske sykepleier Rose jobbet på skolen til langt over pensjonsalder. Hun gikk av med pensjon 31. januar i år. Hun ville egentlig ikke slutte men man kunne se at hennes helse ble stadig dårligere. Skolens ledelse og vi i styret mente hun kunne slappe av litt nå på […]
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My name is Momodou Camara. A Gambian by birth, and a teacher at Rex Nursery School. I am a rolling teacher. I have been working with the school for one and a a half year now. It was on Wednesday when one of my students came to me by the […]
Last week, I had a problem in my class between two children, Basirou and Thomas. Basirou came to me and he said Thomas took his money. I called the two and asked each of them how much did each boy bring to class. Basirou said 5 dalassis and Thomas said […]